
Today was raining again, but that's okay because I had that AWESOME  glass jar terrarium class at WORKSHOP with Kelly.  This place is so much fun, they offer lots of DIY craft classes at affordable prices in a very laid back atmosphere.  I already signed up for my 2nd class - decorating cupcakes Halloween style.

This Terrarium class was 34$ and it included all the supplies (glass container, plants, mini toy toppers). I've seen other places offering similar classes for double the price - perhaps they include fancy terrarium jars with exotic plants ?

These things are more addictive than I thought, I can see myself making one for everyone I know.  They are quick to assemble, cute to have around especially if you work at some drabby office and they are super easy to take care of.

Step 1:  Pick a glass jar - they could be with or without lids, and the best place to look for them are thrift or goodwill stores (unless you want fancy expensive ones specifically used for terrariums)

Step 2. Add a layer of rocks for drainage.

Step 3. Sprinkle a layer of activated charcoal on top of your rocks to prevent your terrarium from smelling like MOLD.  This step is especially important in terrariums with lids, or terrariums with very small openings that prevent air circulation.

Step 4.  Add a layer of soil (when you are done with all layers, your container should be half full)

Step 5.  Now comes the fun part, adding your plants.  In this workshop, we used succulents since they are such hardy plants.  Apparently, you can just take cuttings and stick them in and within 2-3 weeks, they will root.  Also, succulents are less fussy and require minimal care.

There were more plants at the beginning but this was what was leftover after the class :)

I loved watching everyone work on their terrariums and seeing which container they gravitated towards.   Some people brought in their own - I saw some fancy bowls, some coffee pots and cute itty-bitty jam containers.

I chose a low profile glass bowl and a wine glass. Although the bowl was easier to work with, I found it a little shallow.  I was worried that there was not enough soil to support my plants and allow them to root.  Every time I dug a little hole big enough for my plant, I would see the charcoal/pebbles peeking out.

I think I went a little crazy on my first one, I overstuffed it :)  It looks like a disorganized mess.

Anyhow, after all your plants are in, you can use moss as filler to hide the empty areas.  You can use moss sheets or Supermoss. ( I can't remember what the difference was, I must have been to busy working on my terrarium to listen to the explanation)

Step 6.  It's optional but Workshop provided cute little miniatures for flair.  Little gnomes, deers, flags etc.  A good resource (according to Workshop) is

And there you go, your own terrarium/desktop garden.

My 2nd one was in a wine glass, I tried to control myself with the plants this time and make it look more "landscaped" :D

I completed these things so quickly that I had time to make a third one.  Someone had brought in a mini ketchup bottle - freaking cute!  It was about 3" tall.   She was so sweet and gave it to me.
I managed to put in 3 mini cuttings using a pencil to pack it down.  I hope they root!! 

Some random terrariums and succulent gardens at Workshop:

I love how Kelly used a vintage tool box as a container for her succulent garden.
